
Thenthe“UnabletoFindAPIAdapter“errorpopsup.Noooo!Whatdoesitmean?Takeaminutetobreath.ItmeanstheJavaScriptcodeinyourcoursethat ...,看影片會出現UnabletofindAPIadapter等的視窗,影片還是能看,但看完結束不會顯示已完成.問題測驗題目會一直往上跑,最後只剩一行.,2023年10月24日—We'veuploadedaperfectlyfunctionalSCORMitemfromwithinacourseuptotheLOR,butuponretrievalwegetanerrormessagethatsays, ...,2023年10月13...

How to fix a missing API adapter SCORM error

Then the “Unable to Find API Adapter“ error pops up. Noooo! What does it mean? Take a minute to breath. It means the JavaScript code in your course that ...

iLMS 整合式校園學習管理系統

看影片會出現Unable to find API adapter等的視窗,影片還是能看,但看完結束不會顯示已完成. 問題測驗題目會一直往上跑,最後只剩一行.

Retrieval of LOR item results in error "Unable to find an API ...

2023年10月24日 — We've uploaded a perfectly functional SCORM item from within a course up to the LOR, but upon retrieval we get an error message that says, ...

The Content was unable to locate the SCORM API Adapter

2023年10月13日 — 1 Answer 1 · 1: Before initializing, your current window OR parent window OR opener window(depending on how the it shows the content) should ...

Unable to find a API Adaptor · Issue #22

2019年7月10日 — Hi, I am testing that scorm API adaptor. It returned unable to find a API adaptor. Can anyone help me? This is my code:

Unable to find an API Adapter error message

2006年9月12日 — Hi. When I load my Scorm object in moodle, and try to run the course, I get this Unable to find an API Adapter.

Unable to find API Adapter problem

It seems that any resource which calls the API needs to be defined as sco not asset in the manifest (e.g. use the resource element attribute 'adlcp: ...

Unable To Find API Adapter When Initiating A Course In OLM

2021年10月12日 — When attempting to play class content (SCORM 1.2) as a learner, the following error occurs. Unable to find an API adapter. Unable ...

搜索结果_unable to find an API adapter 怎么办


閱讀教材時,出現"unable to find API adapter" 訊息

該平台用iframe 嵌入後播放,但平台的設計沒有處理好類似scorm 機制所造成的 若您本機可以觀看,上傳平台後不能觀看,請連絡您的平台業者處理。

免費圖庫懶人包:19 個精選免費圖庫網站

免費圖庫懶人包:19 個精選免費圖庫網站


NecroBot 設定參數說明 & 傳說中的最佳化參數

NecroBot 設定參數說明 & 傳說中的最佳化參數


FileMover - 檔案批次管理輔助工具

FileMover - 檔案批次管理輔助工具
